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      MBUTIL Post <file> <board> [-From <from>] [-To <to>]
                                 [-Subject <subject>]

     The Post command is similar  to the Import command and  can be
     used to create a message with the contents of  a specified file in a
     specified board. The messages will  have the 'Outgoing Echomail' bit
     set, so they will be exported if you post them in an echomail board.
     Post  can't post  files  larger  than  32 KB.  If  <from>,  <to>  or
     <subject> contains spaces, enclose it in double quotes.


         -From       First UserName defined in control file
         -To         All
         -Subject    <file>


        MBUTIL Post C:\MBU_REL.TXT 37 -From "Gerard van.der.Land"
               -To "Everyone" -Subject "Message Base Utility 1.10 release"

     One special option not listed on  the help screen is the -Test
     switch. If you  use it,  the Post  command will  have the  following

         MBUTIL Post <number> <board> -Test [...]

     MBUTIL  will  post  <number> test  messages  in  the specified
     <board>. Those message will NOT be exported. I  used this switch for
     testing purposes and decided to keep in the release version.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson